+49 441 94986-0


Compliance status
The compliance status is a summary evaluation of the available information for food law assessment of the specified article and points out any open issues of compliance work.

SML (specific migration limit) analysis of individual substances for compliance assessment
Quantitative analysis of substances with limits (SML, SML(T), QM, QMA etc.) or non-evaluated substances by gas chromatography (e. g. HS-GC, GC/MS), liquid chromatography (e. g. HPLC/MS), mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in food simulants or foodstuffs after migration or (residual) content determination in the material or article.

Overall migration acc. Reg. (EU) No 10/2011 standard test conditions (OM 0 - OM 7)
Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 (PIM)/DIN EN 1186 classical food simulants for all filling goods (no alternative tests like Isooctane testing): A = Ethanol 10 % (v/v), B = Acetic acid 3 % (w/v), C= Ethanol 20 % (v/v), D1 = Ethanol 50 % (v/v), D2 = Vegetable oil, E = poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) (Tenax ®)

Puncture resistance, quasi-statical (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Test performed with Zwick, tensile, compression tester, testing speed 25 resp. 100 mm/min. Tests carried out at room temperature for the standard price. For tests in the thermal chamber additional charge. The minimum and maximum technically feasible temperature ranges are dependent on the material. We will gladly advise you.

Microtome section/ cross-sectional image
Cross section of films, moulded forms, sealed seams etc., thickness determination of visible layers included,with reflected or transmitted light microscope (accredited test method).

Method for quantification of the optical properties of transparent or translucent materials (not coulored opaque or metallized). The test method describes the hazing of a film caused by light scattering. A low haze value characterizes a low turbidity equivalent to a good visibility of details of filling goods or labels lying behind or under the film. By increasing the haze value, the "frosted glass effect" increases, i.e. details such as labels are ultimately only recognisable when in direct contact with the film surface. ASTM D 1003 = calibration without compensation port, DIN ISO 13468 = calibration with compensation port. The measured values differ slightly, but the measurements are basically carried out according to the same principle.

Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films, laminates, coated papers, Alufoils, etc.
Coulombmetric (oxygen specific) carrier gas method Method (Ametek/ Mocon). Usually deviating from the standard as a double determination

News & blog

3Jun2024 Der Gelboflextest nach ASTM F 392

Innoform Testservice erhält häufig Anfragen zur Prüfung der mechanischen Festigkeit von flexiblen (Barriere-) Materialien. Diese Materialien spielen in vielen Anwendungen, von Lebensmittelverpackungen bis hin zu technischen Schutzfolien, eine entscheidende Rolle. Eine bewährte Methode zur Prüfung...

2Mar2023 Innoform bietet Web-Seminare in englischer Sprache an

Aufgrund zahlreicher Anfragen bietet Innoform ab April 2023 ausgewählte Webseminare auch in englischer Sprache an. Im ersten Halbjahr liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den Themen Grundlagen der Folienverpackung, Herstellung und Anwendung.Nach den Videokursen und Inno-Talks Europe ist dies das dritte...

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