+49 441 94986-0

We help you - with packaging tests - to securely pack food.

Innoform Testservice is a recognised testing service provider for flexible packaging with a focus on the food industry, packaging manufacturers and their suppliers as well as retailers


Film expertise, modern equipment and knowledge of food law requirements provide answers to questions such as

  • Is a material suitable for food packaging in terms of the applicable legal regulations?
  • What barrier and/or impermeability to gases and water vapour does the material or packaging have?
  • Does the material strength meet the specification and practical requirements?
  • What is the exact structure of the film?
  • What are the causes of film failure in practice?

Our test reports are recognised by manufacturers and users of film/plastic packaging alike. In this way, we help to assess and avoid risks.

Next events

Tagung: 22. Inno-Meeting: Minimalverpackung Flexpack
Mittwoch, 12. / Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025
Webseminar: Die Welt der Polyethylene
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025

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Innoform test service: Accredited testing for food packaging

Food is an integral part of our everyday lives, whether we are buying it at the supermarket for cooking or serving it in a restaurant. Flawless packaging is essential to preserve freshness and nutritional value. Innoform is your expert in packaging testing, ensuring the safety of food packaging. Find out more about Innoform's role and services below.

Evaluation and testing of food contact materials: Our scope of testing

Innoform Testservice, a recognised partner for film packaging testing, including paper and aluminium (flexpack), primarily serves the food industry, packaging manufacturers, suppliers and retailers. Our expertise in film technology, state-of-the-art equipment and knowledge of food regulations enable us to clarify legally prescribed questions:

  • Suitability of materials for food packaging
  • Compliance with guidelines
  • Sensory compatibility of packaging materials
  • Compliance with specific migration limits (SML)
  • Causes of possible complaints during use

Our accredited test reports minimise risks for manufacturers and consumers of packaging and are formulated to be legally binding.

Advantages of the Innoform test service for your company

Packaging testing fulfils internal and external functions. Internally, it helps to identify problems with food packaging and improve the freshness and shelf life of products. Externally, it is crucial in the event of supplier disputes. Use our film testing services for damage or complaint analysis and specification testing to optimise your packaging film based on mechanical and technological properties. Innoform's packaging testing also includes material characterisation and optical property analysis.

Environmentally friendly food packaging: resource-saving, economical and ecological

With Innoform's testing services, you can optimise your film packaging, save financially and ecologically important resources and prevent spoilage through optimised packaging solutions. Benefit from our many years of experience in film testing and our expertise in packaging optimisation. Contact us today for a comprehensive and personalised consultation. Our competent and friendly team looks forward to your enquiry.