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Details of the selected standard

Standard type:ISO
Name:ISO 11357-6
Designation:Kunststoffe - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Teil 6: Bestimmung der Oxidations-Induktionszeit (isotherme OIT) und der Oxidations-Induktionstemperatur (dynamische OIT)

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Tests of this standard

Oxidation stability (OIT) as oxidation induction time or oxidation induction temperature via DSC
ISO 11357-6 Determination of Oxidation resistance via xidation induction time (isothermal OIT) or oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT) by Diffential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). In the isothermal method, the sample is heated under nitrogen atmosphere to a defined temperature, then switched to an oxygen or air atmosphere and the time until oxidation begins is measured. In dynamic testing, the sample is heated under an oxygen or air atmosphere at a constant heating rate until oxidation occurs. The temperature at which oxidation begins is measured.

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Contact person

Heike Schwertke +49 441 94986-14