+49 441 94986-0

Supported standards

List of standards supported by Innoform

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Details of the selected standard

Standard type:DIN EN
Name:DIN EN 1230-2
Designation:Papier und Pappe vorgesehen für den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln – Sensorische Analyse – Teil 2: Geschmacksübertragung

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Tests of this standard

sensory analysis of packaging materials/transition of sensory perceptible substances to test foodstuffs
Organoleptic determination of the flavour transition (gustatory, olfactory and trigeminal sensations may be influenced by tactile, thermal, painful and/or kinaestesic effects) from packaging materials to standard test foodstuffs, commonly known as the "Robinson test", as well as change in appearance and odour of the test foodstuff.

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Contact person

Heike Schwertke +49 441 94986-14